The Chart of the Day belongs to Dave and Buster's Entertainment (NASDAQ:PLAY). I found the stock by sorting today's All Time High List for the stocks with the most frequent new highs in the last month then used the Flipchart feature to review the charts.
Dave & Buster's Entertainment Inc. is an owner and operator of venues in North America that combine dining and entertainment. The Company offers its customers the opportunity to Eat Drink Play and Watch in one location. Eat and Drink is offered through a full menu of Fun American New Gourmet entrees and appetizers and a selection of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. The Company's Play and Watch offerings provide an assortment of entertainment attractions centered on playing games and watching live sports and other televised events.
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My feelings are mixed also. Although this is a new IPO (October 2014), the company has been in business for years. In fact my wife and I were at their location in Marietta, Georgia watching the OJ Simpson slow speed Bronco chase at the TV in their bar. Until more data is available, use a moving stop loss 10% below its recent high as an exit.