Leggett & Platt (LEG) was founded in 1883. Here's some other notable eventsform 1883:
Much has changed in the world since 1883, but Leggett & Platt is still around. The company has a market cap of nearly $6 billion today.
Leggett & Platt's primary business is spring and coil mattress manufacturing. People need mattresses today just as much as they did in 1883.
Leggett & Platt Sector & Business Summary
Leggett & Platt operates under four distinct business segments:
The business units in each segment are detailed in the image below from Leggett & Platt's November 2015 Company Update (slide 22):
Leggett & Platt Stock Dividend History
Leggett & Platt's large presence in a slow changing industry has allowed the company to increase its dividend payments for 44 consecutive years.
The image below shows the company's dividend history since 1989 (the first full year of dividend data for the company on Yahoo! Finance).
When I last analyzed Leggett & Platt, the company had increased dividends for 43 years. In August of 2015, the company increased its dividend a modest 3.2% to make 44 consecutive years of dividend increases.
Competitive Advantage
Leggett & Platt manufactures and sells the majority of its products in the United States.
84 out of 133 of the company's manufacturing facilities are located in the United States.
Source: 2014 Annual Report, page 18
Leggett & Platt has a competitive advantage in spring mattress manufacturing and related industries – specifically in the United States.