It's been quite a wild ride for The Dow over the last 24 hours. Panic-buying into last night's cash close was eviscerated by IBM. Then, following reports of a 15% cut in components orders according to the China Times, AAPL has lost ground, also weighing the Dow down.
With AAPL not helping…
But, weighed down most by IBM near 5-year lows…
If Watson is so smart, how is this possible? As we asked last night…
Also, why shouldn't the $100 billion in stock buybacks and the $30 billion in capex be flipped?
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) October 19, 2015
As we remind readers that IBM's return on $100bn in stock buybacks since 2007 is -15%
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But of course – The BTFD'ers do not care…
Charts: Bloomberg