‘Days of Infamy' – should be in the forefront of our thoughts as we honor what for every American is the knowledge of what deceit and surprise attack can do to our Nation, and how it can fortify our spirits to rise-up and challenge any and all vermin that murder our citizens, military or civilian.
Yes, this matters beyond the chaotic market behavior (which relates in several ways, including flight-capital flows to ‘perceived' safer harbor such as the US). It's appropriate this ‘Pearl Harbor Day' to indirectly also honor the 9-11, the other ‘Day of Infamy' in our hearts as well; as we not overlook the barbarian ‘radical Islamic terror' attacks (any group that masquerades as religion preaching hate or enslavement is really a ‘cult'). Whether Pearl Harbor or Paris; whether New York or London; whether Madrid or Nairobi or Kenya or Mumbai; for the victims and the shocked citizenry, these were all ‘days of Infamy'.
In most of these events, including the most recent in San Bernardino; without a resounding leadership, or until the leaders step forth to motivate citizens calling for both stamina, faith in our values; and commitment to vanquish our victims; it is too easy for those not recalling history to cower or (as we saw from too many in the UK's vote on taking action against ISIS) become resigned to dealing with the problem of Islamic imposition of their ‘imported' faith upon the majority ‘as if' there's nothing they can do about it (pathetic; as there is so much to be done).
It's sad that it's taken so long to grasp what must be done; sad some leaders at this point still don't move not merely to attack the enemy; but intellectually give an explanation to our citizens of how a particular sect perverted the basic faith (most Islam is controversial, but Wahhabi Sunni/Saudi versions went too far for years as Western Civilization has known); so when do we ‘shut down' many of the propaganda avenues that these groups use to subject the vulnerable in the faith, or convert those with no identify to their life (often in prisons, which you'll recall is how ‘black Muslims' were recruited for years; Christian converts)?