German Socialists So Eager To Destroy Germany

All socialists just see money and justify their taking of other people's money. The German Socialists are no different. They cannot understand how an economy even how it functions. All they want is to take other people's money for themselves no different than a thief in the night except they do it while justifying themselves in broad daylight.


Before the German high court ruling on inheritance tax, the SPD-Left has introduced a new proposal in Germany. This alone illustrates the collapse in the world economy because of socialism that is underway. They now do not even want to wait for the court to rule. The German socialists want to seize that employ about 70% of the civil work force globally. When a company's heir has a tax liability for inheritance that they cannot pay, the state will seize access to shares in the company of family. The state will then destroy the selling the assets for taxes. If the tax liability is removed, the heirs may buy back their shares from the government. They do this in the USA taking people's homes who cannot pay property taxes and sell they at auction.

The USA had to learn the hard way that inheritance taxes destroy the economy. For years, the children of farmers were forced to sell land just to pay the inheritance taxes. Hence, big corporate farming was born thanks to wiping out small business. The downside of these socialist inheritance taxes has been the destruction of the small business. It prevents small business from surviving long-term. One must go public to even survive.

Take for instance my own case. What if upon my death government said they “believe” the model is worth $5 billion and demand $3 billion in taxes from my family. How is it possible to pay such a tax on their valuation without selling the asset? This is outright theft. Then there are all the employees of the company. What happens to their jobs? The greed of the state supersede human rights.

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