The title does not include a (?) after it and that is for a reason. The gold sector's fundamentals, both sector-specific and macro, are improving and this was not the case during the last exciting upturn in the sector circa summer 2014.
Back then, everything from Russia's move into Ukraine to the Ebola scare were imagined to be sound drivers of the gold price. This stuff proved, as expected, to be wrong when the whole complex made new lows in November of 2014 (prior to this year's ultimate lows).
What is driving gold and the gold sector this year? The things that we have been saying for years now would be needed.
There are more details, but the above would paint a picture of a counter-cyclical environment, which is the investment environment for gold and would set quality miners up for a big rally or bull market. Here's the Macrocosm (July 27) graphic again for a visual representation of the gold sector's primary fundamental underpinnings.
Dial back to this past summer around the time the Macrocosm shtick was created by someone with apparently too much time on his hands (not the case, I assure you!). Back then (July 17) the Wall Street Journal called a bottom on gold exactly 1 week before it made its low at 1072: Let's Be Honest About Gold: It's a Pet Rock