How To Lower The Unemployment Rate Without Employing People

It's much easier than you think. The labor force participation rate of 62.6% is at the lowest level since 1978. There are 250 million working age Americans and according to your friendly government drones at the BLS, 94 million of them are willingly not participating in the market. According to the government, these people don't want to work. Only 8 million out of the 250 million are actually unemployed according to the government.

The chart below reveals the fraud being perpetrated by the government with regards to the unemployment rate. The overall labor force participation rate in 2000 was 67.1%. The decrease over the last fifteen years is not warranted by demographics, economics, reason, or need. Using true inflation measures, the economy has essentially been in recession for 13 out of those 15 years. Real median household income is less than it was in 1989.

In what world would people leave the workforce when they NEED more money just to keep even? Only in a Bizarro world run by government bureaucrats protecting their politician bosses and the financiers running the show. The media mouthpieces for the status quo bloviate about retiring Boomers as the reason for the plunge in the labor force participation rate. The chart exposes this storyline as a bold faced lie. The only demographic age brackets which have shown an increase since 2000 are the over 55 year olds who have been forced to work because Bernanke/Yellen have impoverished them with 0% rates and they failed to save enough in their 401ks for .

There is no earthly reason for the 16 to 24 year old participation rate to plunge by 16.6% since 2000. My kids all have or had jobs at 16 years old. Everyone between 16 and 24 is participating in the labor force, even if they are in college. This “adjustment” by the BLS is complete and utter bullshit. The three brackets between 25 and 54 are the prime working years for all people. These people did not leave the work force of their own free will. They are unemployed.

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