Jack And The Golden Bean Stalk

Most analysts in both the gold and mainstream investment communities seem to be in “summer doldrums” mode. They are nervous about stock markets because of rate hikes and the late stage of the cycle. That's understandable.

Unfortunately, they also seem to be unaware of the fabulous uptrends developing in many gold stocks.   

In contrast, I'm extremely excited by the price action in a wide array of gold stocks, silver stocks, and blockchain currencies. I have predicted that the upside fun will continue and is poised to accelerate quite dramatically in the second half of this year.

Western governments focus on regime change in Mid-East while China takes another step forwards in what I call the gold bull era.

Morgan Stanley's stock market indexes are a institutional benchmark, and China's gold demand growth is strongly correlated with growth, stock market performance, and overall GDP growth.

In terms of goods and services produced and consumed, China is by far the world's largest economy. Soon it will become the richest as well, leaving demographically-impaired and debt-obsessed America in its wake.

Gold investors in the West can choose to live in an emotional state of doldrums and boredom, or they can feel great comfort as they watch China put a relentlessly rising floor under the gold price. 

I choose to enjoy the mild excitement and great comfort generated by the gold bull era.   

While China expands its gold-oriented influence, India is functioning like a gold-oriented starship attached to a Chinese locomotive train with a gigantic rubber band.

As the strong season for gold in India begins in the summer, inflation has suddenly started a nasty turn to the upside. Indians and Germans are the global citizens most concerned with inflation. 

As inflation begins to stun most observers with the power of its surge over the next eighteen months, I expect Indian gold demand to begin a historic leg higher. Germans will join the fun, and institutional money managers around the world will commit to substantial gold stock buy programs as that happens.

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