The “most hated man in America” just got arrested for securities fraud.
“Pharmaceutical entrepreneur Martin Shkreli was arrested by the FBI on Thursday,” Reuters, whose reporters apparently witnessed the arrest, says.
Shkreli, the baby faced, former Jim Cramer protege and serial biotech mogul who famously raised the price of a toxoplasmosis drug by 5000% in September, igniting a media and political firestorm in the process, is accused of using Retrophin (a company he founded and ran until he was ousted by the board) as a kind of slush fund. As an aside, you're reminded that Retrophin once raised the price of a drug used to treat a rare condition that causes reoccurring kidney stones from $1.50 a pill to $30.
Retrophin claims that after Shkreli's hedge fund, MSMB Capital, went bust after a $7 million loss on a “disastrous” trade with Merrill Lynch four years ago, he used a series of complex transactions involving Retrophin to pay back MSMB's investors.
“Retrophin sued Shkreli in August for misuse of company funds,” Bloomberg recounts. The company “claims he engineered numerous transactions between investors in MSMB and the biotechnology firm.”
Retrophin goes on to allege that “Shkreli paid some [MSMB] investors through fake consulting agreements and others through unauthorized appropriations of stock and cash”
At one point, Shkreli allegedly decided to reclassify a $900,000 investment MSMB made in Retrophin as a loan. So basically, he invested in himself and then decided later that he had actually loaned himself money and needed to pay himself back. Retrophin did indeed pay back the “borrowings” and Shkreli subsequently used the funds to “settle another unrelated legal dispute.”