Microsoft Joined By Almost Everyone In Fight For Privacy


Microsoft has been joined by various Tech companies such as , Amazon, Cisco, eBay and Verizon along with media companies such as ABC, CNN, Fox News and the Guardian, the largest business organizations, such as the US Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers, as well as privacy groups and leading computer scientists who have all filed legal briefs on Monday supporting them in a case against the US government it argues is “fundamental to the future of global technology”. They are challenging a government order demanding to hand over all emails held on servers at its datacenter in Dublin, Ireland. The company has lost twice in court but is challenging the order in the US court of appeals for the Second Circuit in New York. This is perhaps the most notorious pro-government court in the country. More-likely-than-not, the Second Circuit will slam Microsoft and has never really ruled against the government in the last 25 years. They will probably have to take this to the Supreme Court, but that too is a long-shot for they will only hear cases they want to listen to. So you have no right to the rule of law in the USA.

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