July has been a volatile month for stocks. All three major market indices (DJI, SPX, and IXIC) all ended higher slightly for the month. However, Russel 2000 was down.
We did quite well. Even though I took on a bit more risk during the last week of July, we still ended up +4.5% for the month. Here are some trading statistics on Ecstatic Plays Portfolio:
The above chart is how I did for this portfolio, as a monthly chart, since I started trading this in August 2014. Below is a table showing some more detailed stats:
Here are some of the memorable trades in July:
Our biggest win this month was the play on GOOG/GOOG:
This trade rendered a +502% profit, gaining almost $22,000 over night!
We had a couple of nice trades on LNKD, although our small play on LNKD earnings did not work out:
Our play on FB before earnings was pretty nice as well:
NXPI calls gave us some nice gains, as high as +68%:
AMBA puts did quite well on a quick pullback:
Our hedge against the market with SPY pus and VIX calls also produced nice wins:
TSLA has been very strong, and our weekly calls gave us an “intrady” +74% profit:
The market is still volatile. More earnings will come in next week, and the latest jobs/payroll numbers are due. I'll be back tomorrow night with my weekly Market Forecast, which I publish every Sunday, discussing the possibilities of the coming week, available to members only!