The Chart of the Day belongs to Photronics (NASDAQ:PLAB). I found the photomask manufacturer by using Barchart to sort the Russell 3000 Index stocks first for the highest number of new highs in the last month, then again for technical buy signals above 80%. I then used the Flpchart feature to find the chart I liked. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 10/1 the stock gained 32.90%.
Photronics is a leading worldwide manufacturer of photomasks. Photomasks are high precision quartz plates that contain microscopic images of electronic circuits. A key element in the manufacture of semiconductors and flat panel displays, photomasks are used to transfer circuit patterns onto semiconductor wafers and flat panel substrates during the fabrication of integrated circuits, a variety of flat panel displays and, to a lesser extent, other types of electrical and optical components. They are produced in accordance with product designs provided by customers at strategically located manufacturing facilities in Asia, Europe, and North America.
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