Should people have a guaranteed basic income? How about a guaranteed job?
“Down With Tyranny” (DWT) asks What Sounds Better To You– Guaranteed Basic Income Or Federal Job Guarantee?
That's a lot like asking: Would you rather lose your left leg or right arm to cancer?
Striving for “Full employment”
DWT claims defines full employment as “everyone seeking a job gets one.”
“Federal jobs could provide socially useful goods and services,” says the socialist website. The claim is debatable. Someone with no skills to do anything certainly cannot do anything useful.
Moreover, DWT never bothers to ask “At what cost?”
To give everyone a job who wants one, government will be employing millions of totally useless people including unstable drug addicts or worse. And the costs will mount with training and transportation costs.
Fewer Poor Americans?
DWT claims “A Job Guarantee Means Fewer Poor Americans”. Once again that is debatable. Socialist programs never work as advertised.
The expense of paying people some “basic income” has to come from somewhere. And the only place it can come from is from the productive segments of society.
Right now the push is for $15. If such a program actually was implemented, the push would be for $20, then $25, then higher.
Socialist silliness and MMT often go hand-in-hand. These MMTers believe there is no cost to government taking over industry and creating jobs.
If the free market is unable to provide the function, the job isn't needed.
Support for Communism
The communists and economic illiterates were out in full force praising DWT's idea.
“Support for UBI is properly grounded on the idea of shared common resources that we should all benefit from,” claims responder Pyradius.
That sounds suspiciously like Karl Marx's communist manifesto: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”