The Chart of the Day belongs to Sabre Corporation (NASDAQ:SABR). I found the Internet software stock by using Barchart to sort the Russell 3000 Index stocks first for a Weighted Alpha of higher than 50.00+ then again for technical buy signals above 80%. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 10/7 the stock gained 4.72%.
Sabre Corporation engages in providing technology solutions to the global travel and tourism industry. The company operates four brands/businesses: Sabre Airline Solutions (NYSE:R), Sabre Hospitality Solutions , Sabre Travel Network and Travelocity . Its software, data, mobile and distribution solutions are used by airlines hotel properties to manage critical operations, such as passenger and guest reservations, revenue management, and flight, network and crew management. Sabre Corporation is headquartered in Southlake, Texas.
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