Sell The Bonds, Sell The Stocks, Sell The House — Dread The Fed!

There is going to be carnage in the casino, and the proof lies in the transcript of Janet Yellen's press conference. She did not say one word about the real world; it was all about the hypothecated world embedded in the Fed's tinker toy model of the US economy.

Yes, tinker toys are what kids used to play with back in the 1950s and 1960s, and that's when Janet acquired her school-girl model of the nation's economy.

But since that model is so frightfully primitive, mechanical, incomplete, stylized and obsolete, it tells almost nothing of relevance about where the markets and economy now stand; or what forces are driving them; or where they are headed in the period just ahead.

In fact, Yellen's tinker toy model is so deficient as to confirm that she and her posse are essentially flying blind. That alone should give investors pause—especially because Yellen confessed explicitly that “ is an exercise in forecasting”.

Accordingly, her answers were riddled with ritualistic reminders about all the dashboards, incoming data and economic system telemetry that the Fed is vigilantly monitoring. But all that minding of everybody else's business is not a virtue—its proof that Yellen is the ultimate Keynesian catechumen.

This stupendously naïve old school marm still believes the received Keynesian scriptures as penned by the 1960s-era apostles James(Tobin), John (Galbraith), Paul (Samuelson) and Walter (Heller).

But c'mon.Those ancient texts have no relevance to the -saturated, state-dominated, hideously over-capacitated global economy of 2015. They just convey a stupid little paint-by-the-numbers simulacrum of what a purportedly closed domestic economy looked like even back then.

That is, before Richard Nixon had finally destroyed Bretton Woods and turned over the Fed's printing presses to power aggrandizing PhDs; and before Mr. Deng had thrown out Mao's little red book in favor of a central bank based credit Ponzi.

As you listened to Yellen babble on about the purported cyclical “slack” remaining in the US economy, the current unusually low “natural rate” of federal funds, all the numerous and sundry “transient” factors affecting the outlook, and the Fed's fetishly literal quest for 2.00% inflation (yes, these fools apparently think the can hit their inflation target to the second decimal place), only one conclusion was possible.

To wit, sell the bonds, sell the stocks, sell the house, dread the Fed!

In a global economy that is plunging into an epic deflationary contraction, Yellen & Co still embrace mythical and unmeasurable benchmarks for domestic full employment and other idealized performance targets.

Indeed,since they operate in what amounts to the pseudo-scientific realm of economic policy numerology, their model can be reduced to a voodoo style formula expressed as “2,3,4,5”.

That would be 2% inflation, 3% real growth, 4% normalized Federal funds and 5% unemployment. Any difference between those targets and current readings is defined as “slack” or performance shortfall that the 12 apostles on the FOMC have been mandated to close; and to do so with the blunt force instruments of money market rate pegging, yield curve repression (that's what QE is) and wealth effects levitation of financial asset prices.

At the end of the day, the only thing worse than Nixon's final destruction of sound money at Camp David in August 1971 was the passage of the Humphrey-Hawkins Act seven years later.

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