Study: Breadth Suggests That The Stock Market’s Bottom Is Already In

Last week we demonstrated a momentum+breadth study which supported the medium term bullish case for the stock market.

Now let's look at the short term case for the stock market. Is the stock market's EXACT bottom already in?


What happens historically when:

  • The Advance-Decline Line makes a new high?
  • April 2, 2012
  • July 16, 2007
  • January 3, 2000
  • July 19, 1999
  • October 7, 1997
  • February 19, 1997
  • May 23, 1996
  • January 3, 1990
  • August 27, 1986
  • September 25, 1967
  • May 13, 1965
  • September 23, 1955
  • Let's look at these historical cases in detail.

    April 2, 2012


    July 16, 2007

    This historical case does not apply to today because the A/D line has already made a new high.


    January 3, 2000

    This historical case does not apply to today because the A/D line has already made a new high.


    July 19, 1999

    This historical case does not apply to today because the A/D line has already made a new high.


    October 7, 1997

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