Tale Of Two Charts: Medicare 2009 And 2015



2009: Medicare Unsustainable. From less than 4% of GDP heading straight for 11%.
2015: Medicare You Decide. Still less than 4% of GDP heading for 6%

Why is JEB still having the same conversation about viability of the program?

Ten years ago I would have earnestly told you that we didn't have an ‘Entitlements Crisis', we had a ‘Health Care Crisis' that was reflected in the Medicare numbers. Today? I am not seeing ‘Crisis' at all. And certainly no ‘Crowding Out', no ‘Intergenerational Warfare'. The and Medicare population are projected to increase from around 16% of the population now to 25% in the next few decades. And the amount of GDP we will need to devote to their and medical care will go up proportionally. What's the alternative? Starving gramma and denying her pills?

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