not just Tencentagain not just Tencent) in the last 12 months, as well as forecasting global games software/hardware market revenue to top $165 billion this year and over $230 billion by 2022. Let's dive into the detail to see what's behind the numbers.
Games investment in the last 12 months broke all previous records, with over $4.2 billion dollars invested in games market companies. As has become the new normal in the last few years, most of this money went into games tech and platform companies rather than game developers. In contrast to mobile games' investment dominance of the last 5 years, the first quarter saw MMO/MOBA games investment, as well as AR/VR and eSports over the last 12 months.
Games investment dollars were dominated by mega-deals as usual, while the number of investment deals remained broadly flat. Amongst the big Tencent investments were:
Other non-Tencent deals include: