The EU’s New “Red Tape Advisor”

Creator of Stammered Works Becomes EU's Red Tape Whacker

The European Commission seems to be serious about wanting to cut some of the mountain of red tape it has imposed over the years. Only a truly giant weed-whacker can be expected to do the . In our paperless age, it would probably be best if someone just walked past their servers with a very big magnet.

Anyway, Reuters informs us that JC Juncker has found the right man for the job: former Bavarian premier Edmund Stoiber. We have previously remarked that in the EU are sinecures for political has-beens, and one might at first suspect that to be the case here as well. However, Stoiber actually does appear to be qualified for the task – at the very least, he seems well prepared for it and comes equipped with the proper mindset.

“European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker appointed Germany's Edmund Stoiber as special adviser on better regulation on Thursday, to help the EU executive fight over-regulation and red tape.

Stoiber, a former premier of the German state of Bavaria who sought to become German chancellor in 2002, has for the past seven years chaired a group advising the Commission on administrative burdens and on how to make EU law simpler and cheaper.

In October, he proposed exempting small- and medium-sized firms from a wide range of business rules with a “bonfire of red tape” aimed at reversing a public perception of Brussels as a “bureaucratic monster”.

“EU citizens need the EU to focus on where it can make a real difference to their lives, not to interfere in every detail. EU businesses need the space to innovate and grow, not get tied up in red tape,” Juncker said in a statement

Stoiber will work closely with Juncker's deputy, First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, who is also charged with improving regulation.

(emphasis added)

We must admit, the fact that the EU hires a guy who has accused it of being a “bureaucratic monster” for the express purpose of cutting down on unnecessary EU regulations is a positive surprise for once.

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