Time To Consider Buying Facebook

As I watch Mark Zuckerberg testify in Congress today, I'm reminded of the article I wrote on the subject two weeks ago. At the time, shares of Facebook (Nasdaq: FB) were dropping fast.

Since then, we've had plenty of ink spilled on the subject of data privacy and the role of Facebook in keeping our information under wraps. None of it has changed my view. There's a reason our data, which we freely post in many places, bounces around the internet like a pinball.

So today, let's revisit my article from March 27, in which I explain why I think Facebook will recover nicely in the weeks ahead.

In fact, as Zuckerberg speaks at this moment, Facebook is already up another 4% today. Apparently, others agree with me.

The only update I'd add to this article is that Facebook appears to have turned the corner after dipping 3% below its share price on the original run date.

Here's what I wrote…

Facebook Becomes a More Attractive Buy with Each Day

I like the television show Blue Bloods, starring Tom Selleck, which I think makes me old.

The show airs at 9 p.m. Central time on Friday. If I watch it at the appointed time, then I'm necessarily at .

On a Friday night.

Watching television.

And then there's the content.

The show centers around a New York family full of cops, where the good guys almost always win and the bad guys usually go to jail. Like the long-running series Blue Bloods often pulls stories from the headlines.

Unlike reality, on the show, things work out for the best. After spending my week reading way too much about current events, I like the escapism. Again, I'm feeling old.

There is one part of the show that I detest. Advertisements.

Like every other primetime show, it's packed with ads, which cut down the show's run time dramatically.

But there's a reason for the ads. Someone's got to pay Tom Selleck, along with the rest of the cast and the team it takes to put together a show, and then bear the cost of distribution.

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