Truck Rates Plunge; What About Actual Shipping Volumes? Strong Case For Pending Recession

Trucking Spot Prices Plunge

Here's an interesting chart and commentary courtesy of James Jaillet who writes Truckload Rates Sunk Again in November. 

This is the fourth straight month that rates dipped in all three segments, continuing a now year-long downward trend spurred by both a major drop in diesel prices and market conditions.

Paid rates, verified averages of rates paid to carriers, fell 4 cents from October in reefer and flatbed segments and 7 cents in flatbed.

Paid reefer [refrigerated] rates in the month averaged $2.14, down 43 cents from last November. Rates in the segment have fallen 26 cents since May.

Fuel Costs

Let's dive into Freight Rate Index Data to see the reason for the plunge.

The index includes the following costs: Fuel, Wages, Equipment, Depreciation, Financing, Admin, Compliance, and Insurance. Nearly all of the volatility pertains to fuel and wages.


For August through November the downward trend is nearly all due to lower fuel costs. In the December 2 report a nearly 3 cent drop in fuel was nearly offset by a 3 cent rise in wages. 

That tells us nothing about shipping volumes, the numbers I am really interested in. For shipments, let's look elsewhere starting with the Cass Freight Index. 

Cass Freight Shipments Index


Cass nicely provides the data for both costs and shipments. Here is a subset of one of their tables. 

Cass Freight Shipments Month 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Jan 1.171 1.129 0.851 0.899 1.010 1.046 1.020 1.000 1.027 Feb 1.196 1.134 0.938 0.930 1.036 1.072 1.077 1.073 1.083 March 1.258 1.160 0.905 0.974 1.108 1.094 1.140 1.144 1.086 April 1.259 1.171 0.878 0.991 1.113 1.115 1.100 1.161 1.132 May 1.278 1.162 0.913 1.014 1.111 1.135 1.132 1.173 1.158 June 1.310 1.166 0.933 1.106 1.165 1.150 1.133 1.201 1.160 July 1.259 1.096 0.928 1.011 1.122 1.142 1.107 1.154 1.141 Aug 1.271 1.127 0.940 1.095 1.143 1.130 1.126 1.181 1.127 Sep 1.295 1.080 0.966 1.116 1.200 1.155 1.156 1.164 1.146 Oct 1.264 1.050 0.921 1.058 1.081 1.139 1.116 1.153 1.092 Nov 1.256 1.028 0.947 1.088 1.056 1.093 1.105 1.151   Dec 1.173 0.902 0.919 1.049 1.056 1.071 1.037 1.078  

This was the worst October for shipments since 2011 and the worst September since 2010.

In addition, every month this year except January and February were worse than the same month a year ago. That's eight consecutive months of declining shipments year-over-year. 

Next let's take a look at a few highlights from the Cass Freight Report for October. 

Cass Freight Index Report 

 Following the trend observed in the last four years, both total spend and the number of shipments for North American freight declined in October. The indexes have been below 2013 levels for the last several months. The first reading on third quarter GDP was a disappointing 1.5 percent annual growth rate, compared to 3.9 percent in the second quarter.

Consumer sector goods are, by far, the strongest in the market now. In many ways this is the silver lining in the storm clouds, because it means that consumers are still in the game. Consumer spending, which accounts for more than two‐thirds of U.S. economic activity, grew 3.2 percent in the third quarter after expanding at a 3.6 percent pace in the second quarter.

Shipment Volumes

The number of freight shipments dropped 4.7 percent from September. The freight shipments index now sits at its lowest October level since 2011. This month's decline was much sharper than in recent years and can be directly correlated to falling imports and exports as well as decreased domestic manufacturing levels. Burdened by bloated inventories, and under the shadow of a possible interest rate increase by the , businesses cut back on new orders placed in the last three or four months. This is resulting in lower import volumes, less freight to move and faltering industrial production. With the dollar still strengthening, export growth decelerated in the third quarter. The Association of American Railroads reports that October traffic was down 4.3 percent from 2014 levels. More importantly, though, is that carloads dropped 20.7 percent and intermodal fell 20.3 percent from the previous month. Rail has been hit particularly hard by the rapid drop in industrial commodities caused by the steady decline in industrial production. Coal, petroleum and ores were down, while grain was up. The reductions in energy production are being felt throughout the freight community as shipments of not only petroleum, but also pipe, water, sand and other drilling materials, have dropped off significantly.

Overall Picture

Third quarter GDP growth was indicative of the economic headwinds facing the economy caused by the strong U.S. dollar (making U.S. goods less competitive abroad) and the weakening world economy. However, the consumer sector is rising to the occasion and continues to improve, providing the missing element to a full recovery from the Great Recession. Consumer spending has been bolstered by low inflation, especially with fuel prices; improving jobs creation; and stronger household purchasing power. In October, the Labor Department reported that 271,000 jobs were added and the unemployment rate dipped to 5 percent. A report from the Labor Department showed new applications for unemployment benefits last week hovering near levels last seen in late 1973. Growth in durable goods spending (for long‐lasting items such as washing machines and automobiles) continued strong, rising 6.7% in the third quarter. Inventory levels remain a looming problem as the Federal Reserve has been actively hinting that an interest rate hike is very possible in December. The combination of record inventory levels and an interest rate increase will cause a significant hike in inventory carrying costs. This will most likely drive a drawdown much like the one we saw in 2009 and 2010. Expect freight to continue to trail off through year's end. Retailers and wholesalers have ample supply for the holiday season, so imports and freight shipments should not strengthen considerably.

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