The Chart of the Day is VCA Antech (NASDAQ:WOOF). I found the stock by sorting the All Time High list for the stocks with the highest technical buy signals, then used the flipchart feature to review the charts. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 12/18 the stock gained 11.66%.
VCA Inc. is a national animal healthcare company operating primarily in the United States and Canada. It owns, operates and manages veterinary hospitals and veterinary-exclusive clinical laboratories in the country, supplies diagnostic imaging equipment and other medical technology products and related services to the veterinary industry, and provides various communication, professional education and marketing solutions to the veterinary community.
Barchart's Opinion trading systems are listed below. Please note that the Barchart Opinion indicators are updated live during the session every 10 minutes and can therefore change during the day as the market fluctuates. The indicator numbers shown below therefore may not match what you see live on the web site when you read this report
Barchart technical indicators:
Fundamental factors:
The 50-100 Day MACD Oscillator has been an effective technical trading strategy and should continue to be used for entry and exit points.