Your credit score plays a significant role in your finances. It determines how much money you can borrow from lenders since it shows them how responsible you were with your past financial obligations. It's beneficial that you know where to get your credit scores and reports so you can take full control of your financial situation.As a helpful tip, you can create your own site and help others make the necessary changes in their lifestyle in case they have poor credit history and want to loan money for a mortgage, car, or health plans.Help others by building a free credit score check website business. Here are the steps to get you started:
You need to look for a memorable domain name that relates to what you're trying to accomplish with your website. It should reflect your credit score check service and set the expectations of web visitors.Once you have your business name, you must look for an accredited registrar that also offers web hosting. With this service, you ensure that everyone can access your website through the World Wide Web.
Partner with different credit bureaus to provide a holistic glimpse of your visitor's credit history. There are three organizations that provide credit scores and reports: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Knowing your score with these three institutions will give you a more comprehensive idea of your credit status.There are two primary scoring models used by institutions in the financial industry. There's FICO, which was introduced to lenders in 1989 by the Fair Isaac Corporation to standardize credit scores. It's used by a majority of the top institutions for their lending decisions.These are the factors that make up the FICO scoring model:
FICO focuses on credit card dues, which are revolving loans, as well as installment loans, such as mortgages or student loans, and consider the frequency, recency, and severity of missed payments.
Another is the VantageScore model, which came about in 2006. It was drawn up by Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion as a more predictive scoring process that can be understood and applied with ease.This model has similar components to FICO with slight differences:
Aside from allowing users to check their credit reports through the three credit bureaus, you can also provide more value to them by offering advice on the various aspects of personal finance. You can provide tips on how to handle debt, save money, and maximize their repayments, among others.ConclusionTo start your free credit score check website business, you must find a domain name and register it with a web host to ensure that people can access your online service. Next, you should partner with Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion to provide users with a comprehensive idea of their credit scores and reports from these three trusted bureaus. You can also elevate your services by offering tips on how to handle personal finances.